Saturday, October 31, 2009


Even though I had gotten my wisdom teeth out the previous day... I thought it would be a good idea to go out for Halloween.
Claire and I went to a dance with some friends from our old ward.
We were mad scientists... very mad.
Oh, and this is me with my fat wisdom tooth less face.

Friday, October 30, 2009

My wisdom is gone.

Well... my wisdom teeth are gone. I am making the assumption that my wisdom is gone with them.
Next week I have two tests... one in Ochem and one in Infection and Immunity. Hopefully I can be smart again by then.

I will post funny pictures of my fat cheeks soon!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lab Work

This is what I do in lab... when I am waiting for my project to be done in the incubator of course.

Poor Chris. I almost feel bad for making him play with me instead of working.
Thank you Photobooth.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I'm sick.... again.
I always get an "upper respiratory infection" in the winter, but this is the third time I have been sick this school year. Bleh.
In high school I used to look forward to that time of the fall when I would get an upper respiratory infection. Coach Norgren could hear my barking cough a mile away and I would usually get out of a couple practices or meets. Awesome.
But now all I get is to cough in church and class.. and be embarrassed because I sound like a dying seal.
So today, I will rest.
Good day :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You you you

This woman always makes me feel like a million bucks.
This woman accepts me for who I am.
This woman helps me to realize my divine potential.
This woman makes me reach for bigger and better things.
This woman is comforting and loving.
This woman is an amazing mother, wife and leader.
This woman exudes how I want to be when I am "grown up."
This woman defines confidence.
This woman shows so much charity.
This woman is so much more than I could ever describe.
She is a leader, a friend, and someone I love.
It's highly unfortunate that the only picture I can find of us is so bad.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

I opened.
I liked.
I fell.
I ache.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I was stingy.
I was stingy with the sticky stuff. Claire and I put up a wall of pictures and I was stingy. Now it seems half the wall has fallen down.
I am vulnerable.
Whenever I get to this point in how much I like, I become too vulnerable. I need to remove myself, look outside myself, be objective. I repeat the names over and over in my mind, a broken record of sorts. ___, ___, ___, ___. Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt. Not again. Thinking about how much this will hurt, how much more this one will hurt, makes me want to stop now. ___,___,___,___... they weren't the same. They didn't tell me things that made me feel good. Giddiness? How long has it been since that was last expressed on my face. Their initiative wasn't always there. It wasn't so easy. Where have I heard this before? "___." I need not worry. Yet, I worry.
I am not sad.
I am scared.

This is not a related picture... but awesome nonetheless.