Sunday, October 18, 2009


I'm sick.... again.
I always get an "upper respiratory infection" in the winter, but this is the third time I have been sick this school year. Bleh.
In high school I used to look forward to that time of the fall when I would get an upper respiratory infection. Coach Norgren could hear my barking cough a mile away and I would usually get out of a couple practices or meets. Awesome.
But now all I get is to cough in church and class.. and be embarrassed because I sound like a dying seal.
So today, I will rest.
Good day :)


brooke said...

why didn't you admit to your faithful readers that you have swine flu?

a girl in my choir class admitted that she actually did have swine flu. she was a little shunned.

but you should be honest, katie.

Becky Pitcher said...

I want to bring you soup.
Oooh, or how about cookies? Do you want some cookies?

Anonymous said...

Are you feeling better yet??? I hope so. I have missed your daily phone calls. :)
Chet's parents fly in tonight, so I won't be able to talk much over the weekend- but I hope you are doing better. :)
Call if you need to chat-
much love,
sis hunter